cutting board

[ˈkʌtɪŋ bɔ:d]
  • 释义
  • 切肉板;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Could use the artificial stone as the cutting board?

    可以将人造石台面作切菜板使用 吗 ?

  • 2、

    Youliang tune the main plate , Adagio, lubrication plate, cutting board.

    主要板式有亮调 、 慢板 、 流润滑板 、 剁板.

  • 3、

    He cut a block of wood for a cutting board.


  • 4、

    Okay, there's the cutting board, a knife's in the drawer right below'

    好吧.切菜板在那儿, 就在底下的抽屉里有一把刀.

  • 5、

    Transfer to a cutting board.


  • 6、

    The cutting board is provided with a groove corresponding to the position of the blade.


  • 7、

    Julie: Mick, don't cut the potatoes on the worktop. Use a cutting board for god's sake.

    朱莉: 米克, 不要直接在柜子上切土豆.看在上帝的份上,用案板吧.

  • 8、

    The white parts are made from a plastic cutting board.


  • 9、

    Transfer to a cutting board ; chop.

    移到 菜板 上,切碎.

  • 10、

    This cutting board my mother gave me is excellent.


  • 11、

    Wooden Kitchen Item, Utensils , Cutting Board, Paper Tower Rack, Spice Rack , Bread Box and Canteenand Equipment.

    采购产品木制的厨房箱子, 器具, 切菜板, 纸塔架, 药料架.

  • 12、

    " Okay, there's the cutting board, a knife's in the drawer right below it.'

    “ 好吧.切菜板在那儿, 就在底下的抽屉里有一把刀.

    ——英汉文学 - 廊桥遗梦
  • 13、

    Lay cooled sponge cake flat on cutting board.


  • 14、

    When the cheese inside the quesadilla has melted, remove the quesadilla to a cutting board.

    当面饼里面的奶酪溶化时, 把面饼移到切肉板上.

  • 15、

    Use a cutting board for god's sake.


  • 16、

    The cutting board should be in the kitchen.


  • 17、

    This is why it's such a great surface for all of our cutting board.


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